A baby was born with a 4 inch long tail, parents were shocked to see it, know why such a situation occurs

A baby was born with a 4 inch long tail, parents were shocked to see it, know why such a situation occurs

Centuries ago, humans also had tails like monkeys. But recently in China, a baby was born with a 4 inch long tail, seeing which the parents were shocked. Even the doctors were surprised to see this. According to doctors, this is a very rare case and it happens due to a special condition.

According to Metro report, this child was born in Hangzhou Children’s Hospital. Neurosurgeon Dr. Lee shared its video on social media and wrote, the birth of a child with a tail is the result of abnormal growth. He said- When some organs develop very fast and the process cannot be stopped, then such a situation arises. Earlier we suspected that perhaps the child’s spinal cord was tied. But this was also confirmed in MRI.

This situation arises because of this
The doctor told that when the spinal cord is abnormally connected to the surrounding tissues, such a tail comes out. Usually this does not happen. This can cause many types of neurological problems. This is not the first time that a baby has been born with a tail in China. In 2014, five-month-old Nuo Nuo was born with spina bifida, a developmental congenital disorder. This leaves a gap in the spine. Within a few days of his birth, his mother noticed that a tail had started growing, which had reached five inches in length.

Such cases have come before also
Seeing the condition of her son, Nuo Nuo’s mother requested the doctors to remove it. But the doctors refused. He said that since the tail is connected to his nervous system, if it is removed, he may face serious problems. According to scientists, the tail bone itself is a thing that has fallen out of use during the process of biological evolution. It reminds us of our lost tails which used to help us balance while climbing trees.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news

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